Thursday, March 8, 2012

Two unrelated wonderful jewels

I've been busy on catch up posts about recent gardening and mountain bike adventures, which I hope to finish soon and get posted.  In the meantime, I happened upon a two jewels of wonder that I must share.

First, here is an image of the most amazing bicycle wheelie ever.  I love the abiding sense of adventure and playfulness portrayed here- a reminder that the invigoration offered by the bicycle can be accessible at any age (and, now that I think about it, a  great image to commemorate International Women's Day).

Via The Daily Bike . 

Second, here is an absolutely jaw-dropping video by visionary filmmaker Louie Schwartzberg about the hidden beauty of pollination.  The entire video, including commentary by Schwartzberg, can be viewed as a TED talk (which I highly recommend doing).  This segment below gets right to the beauty without any discussion, and really is quite a visual treat.  Apparently it will be out on Disney Nature as a full length film soon (I will be anxiously anticipating this!).

A video:  

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